Francisco Henriques
Invited Research Fellow
Francisco Henriques holds a PhD in Science of Art and Heritage, and MFA in Art Theories. A Graphic Design graduate, he holds several specializations in Computer Graphics and Digital Image Manipulation.
His research focuses on the interaction between geometry and composition. Francisco teaches image compositing, editing and manipulation, and animation. He is the author of several papers in national and international publications. He is a researcher of the Santa Cruz 3D project (CES-UC), and at the CIEBA group Francisco de Holanda – Ciências da Arte e do Património (FBAUL).
He began his professional career in design studios and advertising agencies, before moving to video post-production, working on TV commercials, video clips, channel branding, and motion titles. Initially working as a 3D modeller and animator, he later became a Flint and Flame artist in compositing, technical supervisor, art director, and director.
Invited Scientist at the Blackbox – Arts & Cognition, Francisco is collaboratively developing the VR platform of Sylvia Rijmer´s choreographic work, designing the VR gallery environment and exhibition areas, and creating the visualization formats for the concepts and the results of the Blackbox team's research on the work of this choreographer.
