Evola, V., Fernandes, C. & Jürgens , S. (submitted 2022) "Dance marking and distributed cognition”.
Fernandes, C., Evola, V., Ribeiro, C. (Eds.) (2022) Dance Data, Cognition and Multimodal Communication. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Fernandes, C., & Henriques, F. (2022). A Multimodal Glossary for the "Body Logic Method" of choreographer Sylvia Rijmer. Performance Research Journal: On (Un)Knowns. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Rui Rodrigues, Stephan Jürgens, Carla Fernandes, João Diogo, and Nuno Correia. (2022). Integrating 3D Objects in Multimodal Video Annotation. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 299–304.
Fernandes, C., & Rosa, T. (2021). Lab Brazil: Parquear Bando Digital Annotation. On digital scores/annotations for collective interventions in public spaces. International Journal of Performing Arts and Digital Media. Routledge, Taylor&Francis.
Fernandes, C., Bigotte, A., & Coelho, S. (2021). Dance and the (Digital) Archive: A survey of the field. Dance Research Journal. Cambridge University Press.
Fonseca, A. R., Abril-de-Abreu, R., & Fernandes, C. (2020). Decision making in a choreographic creative process: A quantitative approach. International Journal of Creative Behaviour. Wiley, USA.
Jurgens, S., Fernandes, C., & Kuffner, R. (2020). Experiencing Choreographed 4D Visuals in a VR Dance installation. Performance Research Journal: On Hybridity. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Fernandes, C., Evola, V., & Skubisz, J. (2019). "Performance mode under the microscope: a cognitive semiotic analysis of eye gaze and other body movements in a contemporary dance improvisation". In Galhano-Rodrigues, I., Zagar Galvão, E., and Cruz-Santos, A. (Eds.). Recent Perspectives on Gesture and Multimodality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 121-135
Evola, Vito & Skubisz, Joanna (2019). "Coordinated Collaboration and Nonverbal Social Interactions: A Formal and Functional Analysis of Gaze, Gestures, and Other Body Movements in a Contemporary Dance Improvisation Performance". Journal of Nonverbal Behavior (in press, December 2019). DOI: Available in open access (online first) at:
Evola, V., Skubisz, J., & Fernandes, C. (2019). Data and Material for “Coordinated collaboration and nonverbal social interactions.” Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour. Springer.
Rodrigues R., Madeira R.N., Correia N., Fernandes C., & Ribeiro S. (2019) "Multimodal Web Based Video Annotator with Real-Time Human Pose Estimation". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11872. Springer.
Ribeiro, C., Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Fernandes, C. (2019) “Virtuoso: A Virtual Reality Annotation System to Document Choreographic Ideas”. ACM Digital Library.
Jürgens, S., Fernandes, C., and Evola, V. (2019). “An Infographic Approach to Presenting Dance Data from the Choreographer’s Studio.” PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research, Vol. 2: Iss. 2 , Article 7. Available at:
Jürgens, S. (2018), Sourcing Somatic Dramaturgy, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Volume 10, Number 2, UK: Intellect (in print).
Lopes, Daniel S., Kuffner dos Anjos, Rafael, and Jorge, Joaquim A. (2018), "Assessing the usability of tile-based interfaces to visually navigate 3-D parameter domains". International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 118, October 2018, Pages 1-13. DOI:
Ribeiro, C., Kuffner dos Anjos, Rafael, and Fernandes, C. (2018), "Virtual Reality Annotator: A Tool to Annotate Dancers in a Virtual Environment". In: Ioannides M. (eds) Digital Cultural Heritage. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10605. Springer. DOI:
Kuffner dos Anjos, Rafael, Ribeiro, C., and Fernandes, C. (2018, July), "Three-Dimensional Visualization of Movement Qualities in Contemporary Dance". In Proceedings of the 5rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing. ACM.
Ribeiro, C., Hauge, J., Monteiro, M., Amado, C., and Pereira, J. (2018), "Assessing Knowledge Retention of a Simulation Game for Clinical Education: The Sepsis Fast Track Serious Game". Entertainment Computing (in print).
Jürgens, S., and Fernandes, C. (2018), "Visualizing Embodied Research: Dance Dramaturgy and Animated Infographic Films". Journal of Embodied Research, 1 ( 1 ), 3 (27:41). DOI:
Ribeiro, C., and Evola, V., (2017). “Visualization Techniques as Methodological Tools for Dance Research.” In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Lisbon, Portugal. pp: 46-54. ISBN: 978-989-746-128-6Available at:
Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Madeiras Pereira, J., Gaspar, J. A., Fernandes, C. (2017). "Multiview Layered Depth Image", Journal of WSCG 25(2), pp. 115-122. Available in open access at:
Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Ribeiro, C.S., Lopes, D.S. et al. (2017), “Stroke-based splatting: an efficient multi-resolution point cloud visualization technique”, The Visual Computer, pp. 1–15 . DOI: in open access at:
Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Fernandes, C., and Madeiras Pereira, J. (2017), “3D Flashback: An Informative Application for Dance”, ERCIM NEWS, no. 108, pp. 33-34.
Fernandes, C. (2017), “BLACKBOX – A collaborative platform to document performance composition: from conceptual structures in the backstage to customizable visualizations in the front-end”, Impact, Volume 2017, Number 9, November 2017, pp. 92-94(3). DOI: / ISSN: 2398-7073Available in open access at:
Jürgens, S. (2017), “How to communicate on the verge of collapse”, Choreographic Practices, 8: 1, pp. 89–109, doi: Available at:
Jürgens, S., and Fernandes, C. (2017), “Choreographic practice-as-research - Visualizing conceptual structures in contemporary dance” in Arlander, A. (ed.), Barton, B. (ed.), Dreyer-Lude, M. (Editor), Spatz, B. (Editor) Performance as Research: Knowledge, methods, impact, pp. 249-274. Routledge. ISBN-10: 1138068713, ISBN-13: 978-1138068711.
Ribeiro, C., Kuffner dos Anjos, R., and Fernandes, C. (2017), “Capturing and Documenting Creative Processes in Contemporary Dance”. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing (MOCO '17), Kiona Niehaus (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 7 pages. DOI: Available in open access at:
Sousa, M., Mendes, D., Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Medeiros, D., Raposo, A., Ferreira, A., Pereira, J., and Jorge, J. (2017), “Creepy Tracker Toolkit for Context-aware Interfaces” in: ISS '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, pp. 191-200. DOI: Available in open access at:
Evola, V., Skubisz, J. and Fernandes C. (2016). “The Role of Eye Gaze and Body Movements in Turn-Taking during a Contemporary Dance Improvisation.” In: Gilmartin, E., Cerrato, L., Campbell, N. (eds). Proceedings from the 3rd European Symposium on Multimodal Communication, Dublin, September 17-18, 2015. Linköping: LiU Press. pp.24-31. ISBN: 978-91-7685-679-6. Available at:

Fernandes, C. 2016. (ed.) “Multimodality and Performance.” Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. More
Fernandes, C. and Jürgens, S. (2016). “Moving from an artist-led practice into self-emerging educational approaches.” Performance Research, Volume 21, Issue 6: ‘On Radical Education’, pp. 71-77. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2016.1239910
Gouveia, J., Fernandes, C., and Correia, N. (2016). “The Creation-Tool: Augmenting the Annotation of Performing Arts Rehearsals.” In: Fernandes, C. (Ed.) Multimodality and Performance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Jürgens, S. (2016). “Three methods of designing a workflow with multimodal video annotation in interdisciplinary choreographic processes.” In: Fernandes, C. (Ed.). Multimodality and Performance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 159-178.
Jürgens, S., Henriques, F. and Fernandes, C. (2016). “Re-Constructing the Choreographic Studio of João Fiadeiro through Animated infographic films.” PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 3. Available at:
Ribeiro C., Kuffner dos Anjos, R., Fernandes C. (2016). “3D Annotation in Contemporary Dance: Enhancing the Creation-Tool Video Annotator.” 3rd International Symposium on Movement & Computing.
Publications of Collaborators
Galhano-Rodrigues, I., Zagar Galvão, E., and Cruz-Santos, A. (Eds.) (2019) Recent Perspectives on Gesture and Multimodality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Almeida, C. and Sousa, B. (2016). “Worldmaking in Rap - Predators, Fighters, Salvagers: a Multimodal Approach.” In: Fernandes, C. (Ed.) Multimodality and Performance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bermudez, B. (2016). “What is Involved in the Process of Naming Movement? An Insight into a Research Project on Pre-choreographic Elements Based on the Work of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten.” In: Fernandes, C. Ed.) Multimodality and Performance.” Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Galhano, I. (2016). “Understanding ‘shit talk’: Interpersonal communication in Rui Horta’s SetUp.” In: Fernandes, C. (Ed.) Multimodality and Performance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Oliveira. C. (2016). “Nexus at the Limits of Possibility. A Few Remarks on the Documentation of Multiplicities via the Curious Case of The Emergence Room #2 Berlin.” In: Fernandes, C. (Ed.) Multimodality and Performance. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Galhano, I. and Galvão, E. (2015). “Nonverbal communication.” Franz Pöchhacker (ed.) Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies. London: Routledge, 279. ISBN: 978-0-415-63432-8.