“Dance in Virtual reality – deconstructing choreographic objects through expanded media". This video screening simulates the individual experience of navigating through the different levels of our VR installation with the VIVE headset on. It has been captured to allow viewers to enjoy a similar experience to the one they would have live if wearing the head-mounted device. More

From September to October 2018, the BlackBox team invited choreographer Sylvia Rijmer and three professional dancers to work together in order to "illustrate" concepts and elements of her Body Logic Method, creating a Virtual Reality visualisation of Cornelius Cardew's score "Treatise" (1967) in Unity 3D, by using a Vive headset to enhance the dancers' experience while they were creating compositional material. More

After several months of exchanges, artist João Penalva and choreographer Rui Lopes Graça began rehearsals for Quinze Bailarinos e Tempo Incerto (Fifteen Dancers and Uncertain Time), a contemporary dance piece for the National Ballet of Portugal (CNB), with sound by David Cunningham. This video accompanies the collaborative process between Penalva, Graça and the CNB dancers and artistic staff during the rehearsal period from May to October 2016. More

Fifteen Dancers and Uncertain Time 360º is a multiple viewport platform for computer, tablet and VR headsets. The platform introduces the viewer to selected compositional strategies and artistic ideas by the authors of the ballet, João Penalva and Rui Lopes Graça. More

We have accompanied João Fiadeiro's stage production O que fazer daqui para trás at different stages of the creative process. The resulting documentary film provides priviledged insights into the rehearsal process of the company, and the conceptual and dramaturgical structure of the work. More