Urândia Aragão
Interdisciplinary Artist
She is a portuguese interdisciplinary artist. She studied Graphic and Multimedia Interface Design before starting her training in Performing Arts - Dance Research and Choreographic Creation. Since then she has been developing her work in the field of design and performing arts. Her research confronts different modes of inscription (drawing, writing, photography and video) with body-based work. Her work happens in the interface between art and life. She explores the interface of performance as a search for new modes of relation and collective experience.
Work: Fio condutor - Alkantara Festival 2014, "as unidades mínimas do sensível" with Alina Bilokon and Léa Rault - Festival Circular 2013, "Slight Evidence of Something" with Maria Varbanova - Forum Dança 2011, "sobre quatro pés, um plano horizontal" with the collective MESA - Teatro Turim /Teatro Maria Matos 2010, "O Tempo das coisas" with Cátia Leitão - Re.al 2011, "Interface" - eira33 2010.
Collaborations: Boom Festival 2008/15; "Monster" and "Histórias do meu lixo" by Carlota Lagido 2009/11; "TKB-A transmedia Knowledge-Base for Performing Arts"- FCT/UNL 2010/15; ATLAS by Ana Borralho e João Galante 2011; "mais pra menos que pra mais" by Vera Mantero e Convidados 2013; "canções i comentários" by Rui Catalão 2014/15;

Email: urandia.aragao@gmail.com